40 is the new 30? From increased financial stability to greater emotional maturity, having a baby after 40 can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. So, if you're considering starting a family later in life, here are some of the challenges and advantages.

Are you approaching your 40s and still undecided about starting a family? You're not alone. Across the globe, women are increasingly delaying motherhood, with studies indicating a rise in the average age of first-time mothers. According to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age of women giving birth has now hit a significant milestone, reaching 30 years for the first time in history. In the Greece, the average age is now 31, while in Italy it's 32 and in Australia it's 30. In fact, there has been a steady increase in the number of women over 40 who are giving birth over the past three decades. This trend is not limited to everyday women, as many well-known celebrities, including Halle Berry, Madonna, Gwen Stefani, and Nicole Kidman, have also chosen to have children in their 40s. Recently, Hillary Swank announced she was pregnant with twins at 48!
While there are various reasons for this shift, it's clear that more and more women are embracing the benefits of delaying pregnancy and motherhood.
So, what are the reasons behind the growing trend of delaying pregnancy among couples?
The decision to postpone pregnancy is often influenced by work-life balance and career aspirations. With women becoming increasingly educated and ambitious, many prefer to focus on their careers and achieve professional success before starting a family. The modern workplace has opened up numerous opportunities for women, and many want to enjoy their independence and financial stability before committing to parenthood. Additionally, the desire for a stable relationship and financial security before starting a family can also lead to delayed pregnancy, which has its own advantages. Older couples often have a more stable environment, greater financial reserves, and live healthier lives.
At times, the decision to postpone pregnancy is not a choice, but rather a consequence of various factors. Unintentional postponement can occur for many reasons, such as the inability to find the right partner or the realization of fertility issues later in life. Delayed family planning can also lead to the detection and treatment of fertility problems at a later stage. Furthermore, long-term use of hormonal contraception can make it difficult for women to know their own cycle and determine when or if they ovulate. Despite these challenges, it is important to note that they are not insurmountable and can be overcome with the right support and care.
Key Facts to Consider When Planning Pregnancy After 40.
The ability to conceive naturally is not solely dependent on age. However, as a woman ages, the chances of getting pregnant gradually dwindle due to a decrease in the quantity and quality of her eggs. It's important to note that a woman is born with all of her eggs already in her ovaries, meaning that her eggs are always a few months older than her. Additionally, pre-existing medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, thyroid issues, or diabetes become more prevalent as a woman ages, increasing the risk of embryo malformation, miscarriages, or even infertility.
The process of aging and its effect on fertility varies from woman to woman. While some may experience a decline in their mid-30s, others may not face it until well over 40. Therefore, it's difficult to determine when an individual's fertility will start to decline. However, Dr. Michael Schenk, a fertility expert, advises women not to delay trying to conceive for too long. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if a woman has been having regular sex without contraception for a year without getting pregnant, she is considered a patient with fertility problems. To avoid wasting time and eggs, couples over the age of 35 should seek advice from an expert after just six unsuccessful cycles. After the age of 35, only about 25% of the eggs are genetically fit, which means that out of 12 cycles per year, only three are likely to be "good."
If you use ovulation trackers such as femSense® Ovulation and are still unable to conceive, it's critical to take swift action. Ovulation tests like femSense® can accurately detect if and when ovulation has occurred, and provide recommendations on the most fertile period for getting pregnant. If femSense® fails to confirm ovulation or if your menstrual cycles are unusually long or short, it could imply an underlying issue. In such a scenario, it's advisable to seek advice from a gynecologist or fertility specialist as early as possible.
Struggling to conceive after 40? Ask for help - support is available.
The prospect of conceiving can be daunting and fertility issues can be intimidating, leading many individuals to avoid seeking medical assistance due to concerns about the expenses and complexity of procedures. However, a comprehensive diagnosis and cycle monitoring can be the first step toward achieving pregnancy. Typically, your doctor will conduct a thorough examination to identify or eliminate potential causes, which may include assessing the fallopian tubes and examining the thyroid and hormone levels. Additionally, your partner may be advised to undergo a semen analysis.
The Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a crucial indicator of fertility levels as it represents the number of eggs produced by the ovaries. If the hormone concentration in the bloodstream falls below a specific threshold, it may imply a decline in fertility. In such a scenario, your doctor will likely recommend artificial insemination, which may seem daunting initially. However, modern medicine has made significant advancements in this field, offering a broad range of options, from ovulation-stimulating pills to IVF procedures. Getting pregnant after 40 is no longer a significant concern, as there are numerous options available. Though it may be challenging to conceive and maintain a pregnancy after 40, advancements in science and modern medicine imply that there is an abundance of assistance available if natural conception is not possible.
Improving your chances of natural conception: steps to consider
Whether you prefer natural conception or assisted reproduction, prioritizing your mental and physical well-being is an excellent starting point. A nutritious diet, regular exercise and fresh air, and an overall healthy lifestyle can enhance fertility. Therefore, if you are a smoker, quitting now is an opportune time to improve your chances of conception. It is also advisable for your partner to do the same since while men can father children at an older age, there are also factors for that can impede pregnancy. In general, what benefits the woman's fertility will also be advantageous for the man's fertility.
If you haven't already started tracking your menstrual cycle and watching ovulation signs, it's highly recommended to begin doing so now using tools such as femSense® Ovulation Detection. This approach can assist in determining your most fertile days and identifying any irregularities in your cycle. In addition, ovulation detection can be used to verify ovulation during fertility treatments. Your doctor can benefit from detailed information about your cycle's length and regularity, which may mean that treatment can begin more quickly.
Still unsure about your ovulation period? Discover how femSense® can assist you in tracking your cycle. Planning to conceive with your partner within the next year? Take a step forward by gaining a better understanding of your menstrual cycle with the femSense® system.
Whether you are in your 20s or 40s, gaining knowledge about your body and menstrual cycle is always beneficial. It is never too late to take charge of your reproductive health and make informed decisions. Furthermore, when it comes to conceiving, having a comprehensive understanding of your menstrual cycle can be invaluable. It can aid you in identifying potential issues early on and seeking medical assistance promptly if necessary. Therefore, investing time in learning about your cycle is an investment in your reproductive health and overall well-being.